Billy Goldberg's Lockerroom
When you walk in here, you come face to face with the man with the MORTAL Spear and Jackhammer
Also the man who is feared for that special weapon that his Spear and Jackhammer really is!
But above that, he is a great wrestler, the greatest of all times!
He doesn't look down on anyone, cause he knows, he has been there too!
He just wants to give a good show, and off course, with himself winning at the end!
Further I would say good luck to you all, but remember against me it won't help ;-)
Here are his finishers!
Spear And Jackhammer
Billy Goldberg waits for his opponent to get up then brutally spears his opponent who doesn't know who or what hit him
then lifts him up with his feet up waiting a few moments and slams him down on the mat executing a devastating Spear And Jackhammer
Billy Goldberg lifts the opponent on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing a devastating Killer
Goldberg's Choke Slam
Billy Goldberg grabs the opponent by his troat lifts him up with a choke hold holds him up for a while beforing slamming him down hard on the mat executing a devastating Goldberg's Choke Slam[i]