Admiral John limps over to Bess, picks her up and apoligizes for dropping her. He moves slowly back over to the Oldmobile convertible, with the hood barely intact and much of the paint scratched off.
"What goes through this little s***'s head? He first tries to pick a fight with me, Admiral John!!?"
Admiral John walks around very tenderly. He is genuinely confused. He shrugs his shoulders, then walks around thinking very hard. He can't seem to figure out how the dispute started, or why Bomberblue could be so disrespectful.
"Me?!! Why would he do such a thing. He must know that his f****** skull is going to get beat in for this affront. Well, apparently he doesn't. He just walked away from that fight, like a f****** coward. I just need one chance to get back at him, and when I get that, I am going destroy him!"
Admiral John walks inside swearing all the way.