Subject: Saske The Wandering Assasin Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:55 pm
Name:Saske Uchiha
Stage Name:Saske
History(Shotr version i really don't want to make a story now):He was born in a clan which possesed a inhuman bloodline something you get from you're birth.His clan was killed by His brother Who spared him so he can fight him again when he will becomes tronger.Then He strates wandering the worl in search for new techniques till the age of 16.Then he becomes a Assasin and is feared in only one year by the mafia's and gangs.At 18 he decided that his strenght is not enought and enters Wrestling.Were his goal is to become the best.He quickly joined federations like UFW,WFDF,THW,HLW,UWL were he found masters like:DankBuddah,Chasm,The Dimitrator,Leu,Sheva,R@ampage which thoguht him how to become stronger. Now he has joined HKW were his future is about to change....